There's death in the Mediterranean Sea
Beheadings on the Libyan shore
Airstrikes killing children in Yemen
And Soltan starved himself for nothing; his dad won't see the light anymore
Mike Brown was a controversy.
Tamir Rice deserved to die.
And Eric Garner was just fat so he couldn't breathe right...
Not to mention Syria or Palestine. Not to mention Sudan. Not to mention Nigeria's lost girls who aren't coming home. Not to mention Ebola in West Africa. Not to mention genocide in Central Africa. Not to mention gendercide in India. Not to mention students dying in Mexico. ...Not to mention... Not to mention... Not to mention...
And here disguised criminals run under pseudonyms
"Politician" the name of choice
Disguised murderers "protect" under the name of justice for All and badges of honor
K-9's get more respect here than the life of a young man in some baggy jeans and a complicated history...
Women rights. Women fight.
Women that can't sleep because some "feminist" voted yes on a war that stole their kids in the dead of night.
She wears her suits while T.V wants us in short skirts and sheer tights.
What has she done to stop it?
Yea I'm talking Hillary. Not a savior even if she tried to be.
Y'all would rather criticize a rapper calling women bitches but when it comes to killing women y'all like yea fuck these brown bitches
It seems that women rights only applies to business women, white lesbians and fake "liberal" activists
Got me wondering what happened to the rest of our genitals...
And no there's nothing wrong with being gay, but if you talking human rights and in love with a war criminal I got zero respect for you
The way I view human rights is it's all inclusive
But y'all living under some kind of illusion like your rights don't apply to others
Like these rights came with your passport and your skin color
Oh and when you bestow those rights upon us...
Savior of mankind! You know we could use some rights
You know we could use some freedom
You know we need you to unshackle these chains
Like freedom is something you can give to us
Then take away
Cuz hey, there's a burden you bear
You civilized man, you good hearted Christian
I'm Mary Magdalene
Oh won't you save me Jesus?
Except honestly I been thinking fuck religion
I love God but this institutionalism can go missing
The same way millions of our men go missing. Wars. Mass incarceration. Police shootings. Soldiers with their missiles
I fear for little boys who have nothing to look up to
Their dads are either cold hearted cuz they survived against all odds or nowhere to be found
Lost generation.
No prize for bringing them back
No "bring back our dads"
They're gone for good.
Sorta like that money they owe us
Also missing.
A product of greed and ill intentioned capitalism
No different than crazy religious extremism
Say Allahu Akbar then you hear their lungs give out, blood spilling
Pray at the Wailing Wall then slaughter my sisters with your Zionism
Jesus, even your version of peace is a nightmare
The hell you speak of exists right here and you're the cause but you're blind to it
And heaven lies in a hungry child's dream so tell me again what's the point of your religion?
Did God ask you to kill my parents?
Did he give you that permission?
Did God ask you to orphan my children?
Greed's your god
Money is your motivator.
Don't bring Allah into this shit
Don't talk to me about no fair skinned blond blue eyed Jesus
And don't you dare mention some sacred, blood soaked promised land
There's people fighting for labels they wrote on paper
There's people fighting for that damned paper
And others fighting for the People before they're killed by some other brutal people
Seen a child laugh and thought of a million other stolen smiles
I try to hold on to my smile
And I promise I'll try to hold on to yours
But if one day our smiles go missing,
Blame it on what they do to us behind closed doors