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Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Moody Confession

I go through periods of severe moodiness. Sometimes it's pms and sometimes it's just because my brain decides to ruin my mood. Either way, I've been having a lot of trouble with my little situation. The smallest things will put me in the worst of moods to the point where I'll either start punching things or crying. It's very unhealthy because it not only affects me but affects those around me. My demeanor and actions are severely influenced by my moods, so you can only imagine what my loved ones put up with when I'm moody. 

I'm not quite sure how to manage my moods and actions so that one is not so greatly affected by the other. I can, for the most part, fake being ok but the facade quickly slips when I interact with people who are very close to me. I don't mean to be hurtful or angry and I do recognize my attitude as a problem, but I can't for the life of me know what's wrong. Maybe it's me being childish or immature, but I'm gonna turn twenty in a few months and it's not gonna be so good carrying that attitude into adulthood. It seems much easier said than done to just stop being moody and get on with life. It definitely sounds easy to me when I'm in a good mood- it's when I'm in a horrible state of mind that moving on seems impossible. I'm not sure who to turn to for this or if this is just something I'll grow out of, but talking about it is definitely therapeutic. 

If you're going through this or know of a way to quickly snap out of your tantrum like moods please let me know. I'll greatly appreciate it. I've tried everything from stress balls to breaking pencils and I still find myself stuck in this annoying cycle of moodiness. So yea....

Peace and much love to y'all 

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