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Sunday, May 31, 2015

The Anchor

You're the truth my soul yearns for
The anchor these storms need
My moods like violent waves
My mind like weeds in the breeze 
I close my eyes imagining
Your presence in times of despair
When there's nothing left but quietly whispered prayers 
I kneel in weakness
To be delivered with divine strength
Warm tears slowly crawling down my face
I hope this connection never phases out
That this signal never fades
And no matter where the waves take me
I'm still protected by your embrace 
I've failed to conjure the words needed
To fully explain my love for you
For through the anger, the doubt and distrust
You've never walked away
Through my ignorance and young negligence 
Through my pride and insolence 
Through many questions and apparent dissonance 
Still in my picture you've stayed
Still on my heart you lingered
Still my soul for you reached
Only to find warm open hands
Never once have I been turned away
Never once did my sins on my spirit weigh
Without your hands lifting me up
Removing the burden I've failed to carry 
When all is said and done
No matter where life takes me
And where death finds my last living day
To you I pray
My Lord to you I pray 

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Out Loud

Caught up in society's madness
Uncontrollable love for freedom
I sit beneath this tree thinking of a time I'll be able to breathe without guilt
That maybe the movement of my chest while I inhale and exhale has disturbed the peace

They told me I want to be too free
That a free woman is nothing but trouble
That I'm that trouble and the path I walk is one undesirable by "the culture"
As if freedom is a threat and their life is what's on the line

"You won't get married
This path leads to Hell
God is angry at you
Your mother and your father too
Walk the way you do and you'll give them reason to rape you
Is this what freedom means to you?"

Words I hear and try to ignore
But these words are like sticks and stones
Pins and needles slowly bursting my bubble and killing my vibe
Fear the status quo
Conform to their standards
Tribe mentality 
Survival of the most silent

But I am loud
I think out loud
I dance out loud
I riot out loud 
I don't tread quietly
Never have and never will

Thursday, May 14, 2015

I love you woman

I love you woman
Love the way your moods swing from branch to branch 
Free from faking stability
Independently insane and forever passionate
Like flames you give light while burning away
I love you woman

Love the way your tears trickle down your face whether it be in sorrow or in joy
If trickle down economics worked the same way 
Well let's just say there'd be more trickling and less down
I love you woman

Love the way your insecurities blossom into confidence 
Like an ebb and flow of courage 
It's ok to be weak sometimes but you still push through hard times to reach bravery's shore 
Wanting to sun bathe in soft sands of self respect
I love you woman

Love the way you look yourself in the mirror trying to perfect each lash with that mascara wand 
Walking out knowing you still not perfect but you slay anyway because hell,
Ain't nobody perfect but God and since He created you, you got some perfection in your soul
I love you woman

Love your mistakes
Those many human errors that lace the path of your life 
You walk right through them though cuz nothing or no one has the right to stop you from going where you need to be
You keep learning from each slip up cuz you believe each step makes a difference 
I love you woman 

Love your fragile heart and stubborn mind
The fire in your soul that bejewels your crown 
The patience through the pain 
The questions you ask God 
Like "why me?" but you know better than to lose faith because He who created you will never forget your presence 
I love you woman

Love how you want to change the world but find it difficult to change yourself
Seems like all the love you have is directed at everyone except what you see in your reflection
One of the reasons you find causes to fight for is cuz you're tired of fighting for yourself 
You want something bigger than your own ego, pride and dignity
Bigger than life 
I love you woman

Love the confusion your brain struggles with as you try to answer "who am I?"
How you long for acceptance through romanticism 
You want a man who'll love all of you and not just some of you
A man who'll help you carry the weight on your shoulders and dry your tears after stressful days
I love you woman

Love how you want kids of your own one day but you've taught yourself to accept the fact that God might have different plans
So you never rule adoption out the picture because what's the difference between one child and the other?
A smile is a smile anyway and holding a child's hand will always feel the same no matter the womb it has exited from
I love you woman

I love you but I forgot to love myself
Love each woman and the struggles She comes with but I have yet to love myself the same
Feeling shackled and chained by perceptions I can't control
Wanting acceptance from others I forgot to accept myself so when I say 
"I love you woman"
I am unable to add myself into that equation
So insecurity still lingers on days where I feel defeated and rejected 
Needing a poem to come hold my hand just to let me know the most important thing...

I love you woman.